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Outreach and Missions


Pursuing Jesus’ Great Commission as an outflow of our lives in Christ



Southside Emergency Relief Volunteers -- assisting needy individuals and families of our community, pointing each to Christ while helping to meet their basic needs

Next S.T.E.P.P.


Service to Those Experiencing Pregnancy or Parenting Life Center -- a non-profit Christian organization offering life-affirming physical, emotional and spiritual support to women and families facing difficult pregnancy and parenting situations

CALL TO PETITION: We have developed an online petition stating I/We Stand with Next STEPP.  PLEASE share the link below on your website, social media, during announcements & encourage your congregation/members to sign online.


Feel free to contact CEO, Carole Alexander with any questions.  Thank you for your prayers and support of the life-affirming mission of Next STEPP!



Seeker of Souls Ministries International - Extending the prayers and efforts of Bay Point through opportunities to serve in cross-cultural missions. S.O.S. serves internationally (Central America, West Africa, and South Asia)



Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication . . . Ephesians 6:18


• Wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer 7:00pm

Studying a broad-based survey of the Old Testament, its characters and themes in the scope of history and eternity

• Saturday Prayer for Renewal – 4:00pm each Saturday

Children’s Ministries

Teaching and caring for the children God entrusts to us


Sunday morning features:


• NURSERY for infants

• PRESCHOOL ages 2-5 engaged in stories and play that teach them biblical truths

• ELEMENTARY CHILDREN learn how to look at life through God’s Word, including memorization and easy to understand Bible stories


Children are a blessing from God; Bay Point strives to be the extended family of Jesus to the children of our community, living out the grace of God while training each child in the knowledge of His Word.


You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:7)

Youth Ministries


Teens desiring to walk with Christ and make much of His Name in this generation


• Youth Outreach – (last Saturday evening of month) challenging our community’s teens to ponder the life-impacting message of the Gospel

• Youth Bible Fellowship – (Wednesday evenings) food, games, and interaction with the Bible on crucial issues teens face

Discipleship Groups


Strengthening believers to live a Christ- transformed life


• Personal accountability

• Equipping from God’s Word

• Encouragement to grow in Christ

• Service to the church, community, and one another


Groups meeting at various sites and times, see Pastor Randall for details


Bay Point Christian Church
2001 62nd Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Tel: 727.866.8814

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